throw away

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throw away

英 [θrəu əˈwei]

美 [θro əˈwe]

throw away基本解释

扔掉; 抛弃


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1. get rid of

e.g. he shed his image as a pushy boss
shed your clothes

Synonym: shedcastcast offshake offthrowthrow offdrop

2. throw or cast away

e.g. Put away your worries

Synonym: discardflingtosstoss outtoss awaychuck outcast asidedisposethrow outcast outcast awayput away

1. 扔掉,丢掉(废弃物)
When you throw away or throw out something that you do not want, you get rid of it, for example by putting it in a rubbish container.

e.g. I never throw anything away...
e.g. I'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance.

2. 错过,浪费(机会、优势或好处)
If you throw away an opportunity, advantage, or benefit, you waste it, rather than using it sensibly.

e.g. Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven't had for a generation...
e.g. We should have won. We threw it away.


1. 扔掉:17. first of all 首先;最重要的是 | 18. throw away 扔掉 | 19. make a difference 有关系;有影响

2. 扔掉,抛弃:throw about乱丢(东西),乱花(钱) | throw away扔掉,抛弃 | throw down推倒

3. 抛弃:The light was burning all through the night.灯彻夜亮着. | throw away抛弃 | throw in插进(话语)

4. 扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会),浪费(金钱等):think over 仔细考虑 | throw away 扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会),浪费(金钱等) | turn down 关小,调低;拒绝

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
John: Don't throw away what we have together.(约翰:不要抛弃我们的感情。)
When you throw away food, you are not just wasting the food itself.(当你扔掉食物时,你不仅仅是在浪费食物本身。)
Think twice next time you want to throw away food.(下次你想要扔掉食物时,请三思。)
Don't throw away your old PC.(不要扔掉你的旧电脑。)
I think I'll throw away these newspapers.(我想我要扔了这些报纸。)
Did this attorney mean to throw away his client's life without an effort?(这个律师的意思是要不做任何努力,就要断送他的当事人的生命吗?)
Don't throw away those boxes.(不要把那些箱子扔掉。)
Did Mom throw away your priceless Dungeons and Dragons magazine?.(妈妈扔掉了你那本宝贝杂志《龙与地下城》吗?)
When people throw away food rubbish, they have to pay for it by scanning a barcode on the bin.(当人们扔掉食物垃圾时,他们必须通过扫描垃圾桶上的条形码来支付。)
Do you often throw away things you don't need anymore?(你经常扔掉你不再需要的东西吗?)
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